
Digital Media 2019

Korean man excitedly waves the Korean flag following the Japanese evacuation.

Digital Media 2019

Japanese soldier kicks down a door of a Korean home during Japanese occupation.

Digital Media 2019

Korean worker resting against a henequen plant that he harvests in Mexico. 

Digital Media 2019

Korean sugarcane worker in Hawaii.

Digital Media 2019

Depiction of the changes that can occur to a Korean man working abroad

Digital Media 2019

Korean woman finds work in Germany as a nurse, much to the chagrin of the German workers who believe she is taking away their job opportunities.

Digital Media 2019

Korean woman wearing a traditional head-covering expresses her sadness at the departure of her family.

Digital Media 2019

Korean man content with his position in the mines that allows him to provide for his family.

Digital Media 2019

Disheartened Korean woman watches her brothers travel to China in search of work following the Japanese occupation.

Digital Media 2019

Koreans seeking a new life disembark a ship that traveled from Korea to Cuba.

Digital Media, 2019.

Korean man traveling to Russia to find new work.

Digital Media, 2019

Japanese soldier leads a Korean woman as she fights to provide for her family as a comfort woman.