Nowadays, our voices are so much more important than ever. For example, the current political climate observes so many already underrepresented voices being stifled and silenced. I wanted to highlight this censorship through this piece, which requires the participant’s vocal input in order to function. The character of former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is only activated when the participant vocally calls out, “IMPEACH!” These two syllables are so important, representative of actual change that needs to take place, for the public to vocally express their discontent with the current workings of the world. The figure ultimately does not represent the political figure but rather the rest of us as a voting democracy on whose shoulders the responsibility rests to take action for ourselves and call for change.

Program Interactions

The design of the simulation landscape is rather simple to accentuate the need for participant interaction. The sky is a brilliant sunset of purple and orange hues, as the sunset represents changes waxing and waning. Similarly the trees represent growth, as the country should make strides to grow in spite of recent events.

Speak Up! Screen Recording
External Interaction