Colored pencil on illustration board,
14 x 14 in

The intent of “Different But Beautiful” is to show people that no matter their race, religion, or socio-economic status, they should always invest in self-empowerment. Furthermore, the theme of diversity extends beyond merely appreciating one’s own individuality. It is also appreciating other people’s diversity, a theme that is still challenging for the modern world. This piece is not necessarily a technically advanced piece, but I was able to create an illustrative design that shares a message with my community.

11 x 15 in.
Mixed media

BarCoded is a mixed media double self-portrait that was experimentally created by using a combination of 7 different mediums–pencil, watercolor, oil pastels, colored pencils, acrylic paint, charcoal, and ink–on watercolor paper. This piece is inspired by the polarity of distaste and indifference, representing that the opposite of hatred is not love, but rather indifference for an outcome.

Pencil on paper,
20 x 15 in.

Watercolor and pencil on watercolor paper,
24 x 18 in.

Pencil on paper,
18 x 23 in.

Pencil and graphite powder on paper,
18 x 23 in.

As a person who typically focuses his art around portraiture, this landscape piece was challenging for me. Portraits are very organic and free form. However, landscapes are entirely different. Skylines, composed of buildings and industrial monuments, are especially geometric and structured. However, I was able to utilize my background in portraiture to integrate organic shapes in the trees and the clouds, uniting what I am familiar with the unfamiliar.

Spoons, 2011.
Pencil on Paper, 10 x 13.5 in.

Black and White Still Life, 2011.
White Colored Pencil on Toned Paper, 9 x 12 in.



The Champion, 2009.
Pencil on Paper, 10 x 12 in.

Jan. 2002 ( I was 20 month old.)

10 x 7

Crayon on paper

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The Girl’s Profile, 2004 ( I was 3 years old)
Pastel on Paper, 11 x 8 in.


12 x 9 inches

Pencil on paper

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My Apple, 2004 ( I was 3 years old).
Pastel on Paper, 9 x 11 in.

2005, 4 years old