Pastel on paper,
26 x 20 in

The Harlem Renaissance was the height of the Jazz Era, and one of my favorite periods. This pastel portrait was initially quite dull, as the clothed model whom I observed wore a black pinstriped suit. I knew that the piece would appear bland and uninteresting. So, I imbued the piece with a touch of my flair. As I am familiar with the Jazz Era, I incorporated the bright colors and earnest characters typical of the Harlem Renaissance.

11 x 15 in.
Mixed media

BarCoded is a mixed media double self-portrait that was experimentally created by using a combination of 7 different mediums–pencil, watercolor, oil pastels, colored pencils, acrylic paint, charcoal, and ink–on watercolor paper. This piece is inspired by the polarity of distaste and indifference, representing that the opposite of hatred is not love, but rather indifference for an outcome.

Pastel and Conté crayon on paper,
25.5 x 19.75 in.

This drawing was created in a figure drawing studio with pastel and Conté crayon on paper. I was especially prideful of this piece because of my ability to replicate the model’s proportions and facial expressions on paper. I decided to opt for muted and earthy tones to allow the viewer to gain a sense of appreciation for the stoic, meditative positioning of the model.

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas,
20 x 16 in.

This painting started as an observational portrait limited to three hours. As I continued to observe the model, I began to see a potential narrative that extended beyond reality. I saw a determination in her eyes that was reminiscent of Wonder Woman, and a vulnerability in her stance that reminded me of the biblical Eve. I thus imagined Eve living in the Amazons, as a woman who is independent of her actions. I focused on the juxtaposition of realism and surrealism in this piece, experimenting with oil pastels to create a more fictional mood.

Pastel on paper,
12 x 9 in.

Oil pastel on paper,
12 x 9 in.

Oil pastel on paper,
18 x 12 in.

Pastel on paper,
19.75 x 14 in.

Queen Amidala, 2010
Pastel on Paper, 18 x 24 in.