Ink on paper,
8.75 x 6.25

This inked piece on paper is inspired by my favorite move of all time, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. This piece was originally carved onto a clay block, which I then stamped with dual tone ink onto a piece of thick, parchment paper. The image is inspired by the scene in which the film’s protagonist, Belle, discovers the fearsome Beast’s alluring and mysterious rose, and she reaches out to grasp it. When I first watched this scene, I was held in suspense and wanted to attempt to recreate this moment in an inked piece.

Ink paper collage,
24 x 18 in.

This piece, composed of torn newsprint soaked in varying shades of ink, forced me out of my comfort zone because I had not previously worked with these media. This piece also taught me how to problem solve, as I had to salvage the piece after clumsily spilling ink all over the work piece.

Ink on paper,
14 x 11.25 in.

Ink wash and charcoal on watercolor paper,
10.5 x 7.5 in.

As it was my first experience at a figure drawing studio, I was uncomfortable with the union of nudity and art. Each facet of creating this piece was new to me; I had never produced an ink drawing nor had I worked from a nude male model. What is more, I was given a restricted time limit of fifteen minutes. Upon completing the piece, I fully understood the elegance and tastefulness that can be achieved from nude life drawings. As I stepped out of my comfort zone, I explored this region of art that was unfamiliar to me.

Ink wash and charcoal on watercolor paper,
10.5 x 7.5 in.